When you’re new to article writing it’s very easy to get caught up in the art and pleasure of writing. You spend time deciding on the topic, planning the format, thinking up a great headline and then get on with the task of writing and editing. And when you’ve finished you probably let out a big sigh of relief. However, that relief can be tinged with anxiety when you realise just how long your article writing took – 3, 4, 8 hours or more? Clearly if you need to be writing articles regularly, writing articles faster is a priority.
Here are 6 tips for writing articles faster
Tip #1 ‘Workout regularly’
Writing takes practice. Just as you might exercise regularly and do a workout at the gym you need to be doing regular writing workouts. Most professional writers recommend that you write something every day even if you don’t have any particular articles in mind. You can’t help but get quicker as you become more familiar with the art of writing.
Tip #2 Write about something you know
Of course it’s not always possible to write about a topic you’re totally familiar with, but it certainly makes your article writing faster if you can.
Tip #3 Avoid over-stuffing
Don’t try stuffing your article with multiple ideas. Not only will it take you longer to complete but you will run the risk of confusing and losing your readers. If you find yourself going off at a tangent make a note of the idea and keep it for another article.
Tip #4 Use article templates
Using article templates can really help you structure your writing and speed up the process, as they help you to stay very focused.
Tip #5 Use a timer
One of the ways to cut down the amount of time it takes you to write an article is to work with a timer and be very strict with yourself. Decide how much time you want to allocate to research, planning, writing and editing and then set the time for the total length of time. The first time you try it, you may find your timings are all wrong, but the more you do it you will get faster. Also as you gain more experience set the timer for shorter periods of time.
Tip #6 Participate in writing challenges
Writing challenges are great for helping you to write articles faster. To write against other people under timed conditions is great practice even though they can feel a bit scary. Many online communities offer such challenges, including Wealthy Affiliate and Hubpages.
It may be very repetitive but to write articles faster requires practice, practice, practice. Make sure that you write regularly and use techniques such as article templates to increase your speed. Working with a timer and trying the occasional writing challenge will also help.